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Kurt Bell
Aug 11, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | When our finding days are done
Before I was alive I'm pretty sure I simply did not exist. Oh sure, the stuff of which I am made was around, and the energy which courses...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 9, 20201 min read
STOIC POETRY | Emily draws The Path of Wildness
Emily has produced another drawing for the book. This is an image of The Path of Wildness, which begins and ends nowhere, and is the...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 8, 20201 min read
STOIC POETRY | Our life—
I'd stay where I am, like those before me, and those who are now with me. It is the smart thing to do. To settle down with work, and buy...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 7, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | The hole along the way
I've always been one to notice the hole in the fabric of humanity, where one may press through a finger to the place outside. You can...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 6, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | The best seat in the house
I have long dreamed of a nice, personal room where I can work. A little office at home where I can set up a desk and chair and my stuff,...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 5, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | A brief time to truly live
The Great Indifference exists wherever we are not distracted by ourselves. It is the substance of the universe that isn't—not empty...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 4, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | More to life than living
There is so much to occupy the time of life. So much to do. So many people to know, and love, and pass the time together with. One thing...
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Kurt Bell
Aug 3, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | The virtue of temperance
For what reason is temperance a virtue? Why do the sages live in austerity, and the desert fathers forsake the world, and the poet love...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 30, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | Adrift across a desert night
In his book Walden, specifically in the chapter titled "The Ponds", Henry David Thoreau describes the seasons and moods of Walden Pond as...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 29, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | Remembering my people at dawn
Morning is a time to remember the people in our lives. If not our very first thought, then at least after we are fully awake. Recall each...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 28, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | The road into night
Such a long hike to get here, now. The place where I set out from is invisible beyond those distant hills, a memory of setting out from a...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 27, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | A prison of consequence
I keep forgetting - fooling myself, really - that I could be in any circumstance other than the one in which I find myself now. It's fun...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 23, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | Walking the shore with seashells in my hand
I have such a small and precious set of values - objectives and principles to guide my life. So very few. Each one is precious to me, as...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 18, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | Swimming to a park bench by the sea
I swam yesterday in the sea. I swam possibly too far yesterday in the sea, as I am today quite worn and spent. I expect that this is a...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 16, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | An uncomplaining camp
Emotions are a curious thing to ride upon. They jump and jostle and jolt and then rest, before picking up again and tossing all about. As...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 15, 20201 min read
STOIC POETRY | Such a life to live
How much more decorous a possession than honest self-reflection; though there is nothing to see in such wealth besides the owner's...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 14, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | Finding a new nest
Yumiko and I decided to downsize after Emily left to begin life on her own. Our own move began just two days after Emily left our home on...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 13, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | The pain of the empty nest
Who knew becoming empty-nesters was so painful? Surely, neither Yumiko or I did. And who knew how fast the sense of absence and loss...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 12, 20203 min read
STOIC POETRY | Moving Emily into her new place
July 11th, 2020 was the last day our daughter lived at home with Yumiko and me. Emily has been with us a long time, since November 25th,...
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Kurt Bell
Jul 9, 20202 min read
STOIC POETRY | Reading the Bible every day
Waking up early is a very good use of time; for it reminds us soon that we are still alive and provides an opportunity to bring in a full...
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