Responding to a video response by my friend Jim Mullins. After almost seven years, I am beginning to reconcile my life against the choices which I made in leaving Japan on February 26th, 2014 in order to come to America and establish a new life for me and my family.
My name is Kurt Bell.
You can learn more about The Good Life in my book Going Alone.
Be safe... But not too safe.
#Death #Time #Life #Reactions #Actions #Limits #One #War #Reason #Homunculus #Good #Purpose #Virtue #Biology #Atomic #Nature #Fortitude #Social #Temperance #Simplicity #Apathy #Distraction #Indifference #Seat #Path #Dividend #Ulysses #Risk #Oblivion #Infrastructure #Adventure #Bullseye #Uphill #Arena #Stoic #Enough